Sunday, 6 July 2014

I have a new definition of 'Science',  for use in the debate over the question "where is the line between Art and Science?":

A Science, is, any subject which you can do work on through to 2am, knowing that, you will be able to look back at that work in the morning, and, with certainty, tell whether it was inspired genius or sleep-deprived nonsense.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Things I learned in my first 24 hours of playing SimCity:

  • Sewage workers will take any pay package you offer them. They must just do it for the love of the job.
  • Nothing is more gratifying than designing a new railway route
  • The doctors can't strike if there aren't any doctors
  • The teachers can't strike if there aren't any teachers
  • The firepeople can't - oh shit.
  • Buildings are really flammable.
  • So are people.
  • So are... trees? Who knew?